Unity...500th Anniversary...catholic Church
“The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (Rom 8:16). In the words of Pope John XXIII the goal of...
A Pope of Mercy...a Pope of Piety!
Happy Feast Day and 39th Anniversary of your Papacy!!! "... As members of the mystical body, all Christians are grafted into Christ. We...
The Sacred Heart...
"...through the Son (through whom we have communion with God)..." http://blog.franciscanmedia.org/minute-meditations/a-return-to-formal-p...
Mary's Fiat...
Luke 11:27-28 "Jesus wasn't saying this in opposition to Mary's Motherhood; but that as good as that was, it is even better to listen to...
Monthly 2nd of the month message from Mirjana...
Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s October 2, 2017, Message Given through Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers “Dear children, I am...
The Little Flower...
Rose petals descended from "Heaven" to honor the Feast Day of St. Therese of the Lisieux at the National Basilica of the Little Flower. A...