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A little late but...the 4th week of Advent!

Fourth Week of Advent

“O God of hosts, restore us; light up your face and we shall be saved” (Ps 80:8).

We’re now entering the homestretch of Advent, heading for the goal, the celebration of the Lord’s birth. Jesus has come in history as a tiny babe in a manger. He does come in mystery, prayer, word, sacrament, and many small daily wonders. And he will come in glory at the end of time to judge the living and the dead. Our psalm response this Sunday is, “Lord, make us turn to you, let us see your face, and we shall be saved.” God present in our midst— that is the gift that tops all gifts in this season and always!

This week, let our prayer be simply a yearning for God. The decorations will be up. The cookies will be baked. Presents will be under the tree. Friends and family will gather. We will be prepared. Now what we must do is wait. Wait on the Lord! Anticipate that wonderful moment when we will once more fall on our knees and sing with the angels. . . . Wait for it. . . .

“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests” (Lk 2:14).

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