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Meditation from St. Teresa of Calcutta...

Magnificat "Meditation of the Day"

He commands and they obey

Obedience well-lived frees us from selfishness and pride, and so it helps us to find God and in him the whole world. Obedience is a special grace and it produces unfailing peace, inward joy, and close union with God.

Obedience transforms small commonplace things and occupations into acts of living faith, and faith in action is love, and love in action is service of the loving God. Obedience lived with joy creates a living awareness of the presence of God....This complete surrender of self to God must secure for us perseverance in God's service, since by obedience we always do his most holy will and consequently obtain freedom from doubts, anxieties, and scruples.

We are infallible when we obey. Ask the Holy Spirit to give us that one grace. Only Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, Jesus on the cross, can teach us obedience, and that is by the reality of his own example....If I live constantly in the company of Jesus, I will look like him and do as he did. Nothing pleases God more than when we obey. Let us love God not for what he gives but for what he deigns to take from us. Our little acts of obedience give us the occasion of proving our love for him.

St. Teresa of Calcutta

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