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St. Teresa of Calcutta...our response to the poor

"God's love for us led Calvary. Sin did it, our sin and the sins of the world. Sin still does it...

God is not being loved and honored as he should by the race he has elevated to the sublime dignity of adopted sons. There is a gap, and God is looking for someone to stand in the gap before him on behalf of this race and beg that he may not destroy it...

We do all that we can do just to make God forget the ingratitude of man in return for his boundless love and to make him remember his mercies. He hangs before us on the cross crying out, "I thirst!"...We are truly blessed in having a little share in the following of the cross.

See the compassion of Christ toward Judas, the man who received so much love, and yet betrayed his own Master, the Master who kept the sacred silence and would not betray him to his companions . Jesus could have easily spoken in public and told the hidden intentions and deeds of Judas to the others, but he did not do so. He rather showed mercy and charity; Instead of condemning him, he called him a friend. If Judas had only looked into the eyes of Jesus as Peter did, today Judas would have been the friend of God's mercy. Jesus always had compassion.- St. Teresa of Calcutta

(From Magnificat Year of Mercy Companion 9-5-16)...St. Teresa was canonized on September 4, 2016 by Pope Francis

"All we do—our prayer, our work, our suffering—is for Jesus..."

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