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Church History Joseph F. Kelly (con'd)

1st Century:

Jesus born around 4 B.C. [as some historical records suggest] (of course, the Church simplifies it at 0/1 A.D. )

Jesus' public ministry 28/29 A.D.?

Jesus crucified and rises from dead 30-33 A.D.

Paul's missionary journeys 42-62 A.D.

Roman Empire invades Britain 43 A.D.

Chinese Emperor MIng Ti introduces Buddhism 58 A.D.

1st Jewish Revolt 66-70 A.D.

Jerusalem destroyed 70 A.D.

Masada falls 73 A.D.

Mount Vesuvius erupts 79 A.D.

Historian Josephus finishes The Jewish War 79 A.D.

Emperor Domitian persecutes the Church 96 A.D.

Pope Clement of Rome martyred

2nd Century:

St. Ignatius of Antioch opposes Gnostics (Heretical group) 110 A.D.

Bar Kokhba Revolt 132-134 A.D.

Marcion excommunicated (Heretic) c. 144 A.D.

St. Justin Martyr opposes Marcion's Heresy 155 A.D.

St./Bishop Polycarp martyred 156 A.D.

Montanism (Heresy) arises in Phrygia 160 A.D.

Emperor Marcus Aurelius opposes the Church 161-180 A.D.

Oldest Mayan monuments c. 164 A.D.

St. Irenaeus fl (Flourished)175-195 A.D.

Christian Persecution in Gaul c. 177 A.D.

Tertullian's apology 200 A.D.

"God has raised Jesus from the dead, and we are all witnesses to this fact." (The Apostle Peter)

"The Proconsul urged Polycarp: Swear, and I will release you; curse Christ ."

Polycarp said, "I have served him 86 years, and he has done me no wrong. How

can I blaspheme the King who saved me!" (St. Polycarp at his martyrdom in 156 A.D.) See below:

"If the River Tiber reaches the walls, If the River Nile does not rise to the fields,

If the sky does not move or the earth does, If there is famine, if there is plague, the cry is at once: "The Christians to the lion!" (Tertullian c. 200 A.D.)

Kelly, J.F. (2005). The Collegeville Church History Time-Line. Liturgical Press.


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