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Church History Joseph F. Kelly (con'd)

3rd Century (201-300 A.D.)

Kelly, J.F. (2005). The Collegeville Church History Time-Line. Liturgical Press.

St. Perpetua martyred (203)

Clement of Alexandria died (215) Pioneered Systematic Theology along with Origen

Pope Callistus I (217-222)

Goths invade Asia Minor and the Balkans (220)

Decius persecutes the Church throughout the Roman Empire (229-250) First empire-wide persecution in 250

Origen exiled (240)

Cyprian Bishop of Carthage (248-258)

Franks invade Spain (257)

Mani, founder of Manichaeans, executed in Persia (275-6)

SACRAMENTUM & TRINITAS: Made their first appearances in Church History

SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY: Our understanding of the Church must harmonize with our understanding of Christ, which in turn harmonizes our understanding of God

BIBLICAL STUDY/EXEGESIS: Origen founded this Science

ALEXANDRIAN CHRISTIANS: Incorporated Greek philosophy into their understanding of Theology using the current pagan culture...many scholars would continue this practice into the Middle Ages

TRINITY: Theologians had difficulty with the idea of TRINITY...thought it would affect MONOTHEISM...also, most modern view at the time was that CHRIST was subordinate to the FATHER (Subordinationism)

POPE CALLISTUS I: Recognized that all humans are sinners and that the CHURCH is the MOTHER of ALL...also, expanded idea of PENANCE so that Christians could receive it when they needed remission from their sins

POPE STEPHEN I: First Pope to "Speak with the Authority of PETER" when dealing with situation in African Church about whether Christian heretics needed to be baptized/re-baptized back into the Faith...African Church demanded it but ROME stated that a "Laying on of hands" would be sufficient

FIRST CHRISTIAN ART: Mostly frescoes in the Catacombs...Christians saw no conflict with their faith upon employing Art to represent the Church in various ways...


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