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Church History Joseph F. Kelly (con'd)

4th.Century: 301-400 A.D.

The Early Church (33-500)

Kelly, J.F. (2005). The Collegeville Church History Time-Line. Liturgical Press.

Emperor Diocletian tries to destroy the Church (303-5)

Eusebius' Church history (311)

Emperor Constantine the Great reigned from (312-337)

Constantine wins Battle of Milvian Bridge (312)

Donatists arise in North Africa (320)

First Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem (325)

First Council of Nicaea condemns Arianism (325)

St. Athanasius defends the Doctrine of the Trinity (330-373)

Ulfilas converts the Goths to Arianism (340)

Christianity reaches Abyssinia (350)

Antony [Monk] of the Desert dies (357) 105 yrs old

St. Basil opposes the Arian Heresy (360)

St. Martin of Tours begins Missionary Work (361)

Emperor Julian the Apostate (361-3)

St. Ambrose becomes Bishop of Milan (374)

Council of Constantinople (381)

Division of Roman Empire into East and West becomes permanent (390- )

St. Augustine becomes Bishop of Hippo (395)

St. John [Archbishop] Chrysostom's fearless preaching (397)

Ninian "First Apostle of the Scots" [Bishop and Missionary] converts the Picts (400)


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