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Hear ye...Hear ye! 16 Men ordained as Permanent Deacons in the Archdiocese of San Antonio TX!!!

What a beautiful Ordination Mass! If you have never been to one, wherever you are, you may want to experience it next year...and of course, the Ordination of new Priests in your particular Archdiocese...

Archbishop Gustavo gave (of course!) a great homily...

(Salient Points culled from his Homily)

Vocations breathe life into the Faith Community led by the Holy we continue to grow in faith...

Jeremiah 1:4-9...The prophet says that we should have total trust in God despite our limitations...

In God's world, Hope makes all things possible!

Vocations create specialized communities to serve the larger Community helping us to the be Missionary Disciples of Christ...

How about some direction? Many of those in the Body of Christ are in the Pope Francis stated, Jesus calls us to "Go, Go, Go, Go!!!"

How can all this happen? Only LOVE can accomplish the works of God...

The Archbishop reminded the congregation that the Newly Ordained Deacons would be busy...answering their call to SERVE!

He said that we need to share this Beatitude of Jesus, this HAPPINESS!

Let Go and Let GOD! is a great way to navigate this life...He will always provide what we all need to serve!

Of course, the Deacons who were ordained for ministry in the Church will also have their wives as part of that support them in their service to the Church while growing in Christ themselves,,,(The Deacons must have their wives' approval to even start the process of the is truly a Holy Partnership!)

The Deacons have also confirmed to the Archbishop that they are ready to serve anywhere in the Archdiocese...not just their home parish...

As Pope Francis has stated, "the Deacons emit the 'perfume of the Gospel' as they serve God with all their hearts! All of this with the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT!

The Deacons as Ordained ministers bring the Sacraments of Christ to His Body the Church...and always work with Our Lady who always leads us to Her Son!!!

Glory to God in the highest and peace to His People on Earth...we congratulate and thank these men and women for their future service to God's Holy Church


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