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Mary's Rosary...her weapon against the World, the Flesh, and the Devil!!!!!!!

October 7, 2022 was the Feast Day of the Holy Rosary

It became a noted day in the Church after a great naval victory for Europe against invading Turkish forces in 1571 at the Battle of Lepanto...Pope Pius V organized a prayer rally, especially the Rosary, to hopefully bring victory...The first Feast was in the honor of Our Lady of Victory; then it evolved into Our Lady of the Rosary due to the overwhelming power of this prayer of Our Blessed Mother...Praise God!!!

Our Lady is our direct link to God…She is the daughter of God the Father; Mother of God the Son; Spouse of the Holy Spirit…this most direct relationship of Mary to God shows us that He is building his Church through Mary and that the Church must go back through Mary to link with God…one great way she does this is through the “links” of the Rosary, that great devotion, that weapon against evil, that WMD! These links bring to us the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and belief in the Gospel of which it describes… this is a tremendous way to reach: The WAY!!! The TRUTH!!! The LIFE!!!


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