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Saints Simon & Jude...(and why did Jesus choose the 12 and men at that?)

Sts. Simon & Jude Thaddeus Saint of the Day St. Jude Thaddeus (1st c.) was a blood relative of Jesus Christ and one of his Twelve Apostles. He was known for his preaching, healing, exorcisms, and his appearance was said to have closely matched that of Jesus’. He is the patron of impossible causes, desperate situations, and hospitals. He also wrote the book of the Bible that bears his name. St. Simon the Zealot (1st c.) was also one of Jesus’ Twelve Apostles, but one of the most obscure. He earned his name for being zealous for the honor of Jesus, showing a holy indignation towards those who claimed Christ with their lips while dishonoring him with their manner of life. After the Ascension of Jesus, towards the end of his life, it is believed that St. Simon joined St. Jude to preach the Gospel in Persia, where they were both martyred in 65 A.D. St. Simon the Zealot and St. Jude Thaddeus share a feast day on October 28th.

Morning Offering by Catholic Company

Friends, today’s Gospel recounts Jesus selecting and appointing the Apostles. Bible scholar and theologian N.T. Wright has explained why Jesus commissioned twelve disciples as Apostles.

Wright tells us that when a first-century Jew spoke of the arrival of God’s kingdom, he was taken to mean something very specific. He was announcing that the temple was going to be restored, that the proper worship of Yahweh would obtain, that the enemies of Israel would be dealt with, and that, above all, the tribes of the Lord—and through them, the tribes of the world—would be gathered.

Recall the great vision from the second chapter of Isaiah: "The mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established as the highest mountain. . . . All nations shall stream toward it." This is why Jesus chose twelve disciples, evocative of the twelve tribes. They would be the prototype and the catalyst for the gathering of Israel and hence the gathering of everyone. They would be the fundamental community and sign of unity.

Bishop Barron "Daily Gospel Reflections"

October 28, 2022

Luke 6:12-16

Jesus choosing 12 men as his Apostles:

Jesus prayed all through the night before choosing his 12 Apostles. He chose men only…Now Jesus, who was truly Fully Divine and Fully Human, loved all people and truly respected all people. He had an incredible respect and inclusion for women at a time in history, especially 0000000000in this particular culture, where women and children were subservient to Men. CHRIST CHANGED ALL OF THAT!!!

But this is Jesus praying…JESUS PRAYING…before choosing who would continue in his stead to spread the message of the Gospel as He built His Church on them and the prophets of the OT. So it is impossible to have women in the presbyterate or in the diaconate as these ministers were originally chosen by Jesus as men and with the Church promulgating this same message throughout the centuries. In fact, He could have chosen 6 men and 6 women or even 12 women probably starting with his own Mother! We as Christians, especially as Catholics, are part of the body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, and all are given wonderful roles by God to support It and help it to grow until Jesus returns in his PAROUSIA…HIS SECOND COMING…and women played a prominent role in helping Jesus and His Apostles to spread the Gospel message. Let us work together in the grace given to the Church as brother and sisters in the Lord…not worrying who is governing and who isn’t…or who has a voice and who doesn’t…but giving back to God what he has given us…the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of His Son in the way we work and cooperate with each other and with the governance and Magisterium of the Church…through Peter and the Apostles…men and women and children working together in unity, humility, and LOVE…until our Savior returns.

-Editor PTBC


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