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The pain of Abortion...the emptiness of Abortion!

The emptiness of Abortion…the pain of Abortion!

Imagine the intense agony of the little ones who are never given a chance to breathe new life on this earth. They are abused, tortured and killed through the great sin of Abortion. Also, the empty womb also feels great pain due the void left from throwing away the gift of life…Jesus suffered the greatest agony on the cross. These children who are not considered children by the world but clinical fetuses that can be used and destroyed for many purposes, suffer unimaginable and intense and utter agonizing pain due to the many ways they can lose their lives in the womb or through Partial Birth Abortion. It is akin to what Our Lord and Savior felt hanging on the tree…

Let us pray to end this callous and evil practice of aborting infants, no matter how they got here. All life is sacred…all lives matter…the God of Life thinks so! He truly is a God of Life who cares for all lives and that not one is to be abandoned to the World, the Flesh, and the Devil…

48 Years ago, the Supreme Court rendered their worst decision in the history of our great country, to make Abortion the Law of the Land! They had the audacity to declare who a person was and wasn’t…Only God has the right to do that and He is very sad about our Non-respect for all human life…Pray, Pray, Pray for the end of Abortion, Euthanasia, Contraception and anything else against life; for the total respect and protection of life from conception until natural death.


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