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Where are we as Church?

With the Synod on Synodality going on, it’s easy to perhaps predict what will happen and what decisions may be made. However, none may be really engendered as this is a “listening session” where we are learning to “walk with each other.”

Of course, we must trust in the Holy Spirit of God to carry this out as He wills and not presuppose what the results will be. We know there are many issues on the table to eventually be discussed and some would change the teaching of the Church, if enacted. We must pray for the Pope, the Holy Father, and the Bishops around him that they will faithfully carry on the Faith we received from Christ himself, when he established His Church.

How much are we listening—globally, regionally, locally? Do we really see those in the peripheries around us—the Faraway? How easy it is to stay within our local churches and “preach to the choir” every week! Now, that is good as far as keeping a faithful army of committed Christians; it is needed. However, do we truly reach out to those around us? How can we accomplish this? How can we invite others to “Come and See?”

One way we are doing this is through Cursillo, noting the faraway and inviting them to “Come and See.” Prior to this time in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, you had to be fully initiated in the Catholic faith, which was a norm for all who would experience the weekend and perhaps become better Christians, even continuing on in Ultreya and Group Reunion! Now, that is not necessary to be invited to “Live a weekend” while coming at little closer to know Christ. A continuing conversion in the Lord!

Another way is through Missions of Mercy, etc. where we feed the Homeless, giving them a bit more dignity than they had before our visit; and also, carrying out the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy in the many ways the Church executes them.

Let’s allow Servant of God, Eduardo Bonnin, show us the way to bring others to Christ and hopefully, reach and bring the Faraway Home!


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